Friday, September 24, 2010

How the Colbert Report Saved My Life

After a year's worth of doctor visits, a thousand dollars down the drain, and unnecessary and invasive testing, I was feeling worse than ever, in such pain and discomfort that I could not bring myself to exercise or sleep, which further worsened the problem. Doctors of all sorts advised me to eat plenty of fiber, naming whole grain breads and beans as the best sources. Now I can only laugh about it.

I didn't know at the time, but I'm highly sensitive to the gluten in whole grain breads and the lectins in certain plants like tomatoes and beans.

I had all but given up hope when I heard John Durant of pitch the paleo diet on the Colbert Report. He compared us to animals in the zoo and explained how they thrive on their natural diet. Humans are animals too, he argued, and should therefore eat their natural diet. I was sold immediately and did some follow up research to get the details before starting. It made perfect evolutionary sense.

So I chose the strictest form of the paleo diet: no grains, no legumes, no dairy, no nightshades, no alcohol, low lectins, no processed food. In two days, I was a new man. The pain and discomfort was gone for the first time since I could remember. I woke with renewed vitality, yearning to get outside and play.

I see the discovery of this philosophy as nothing short of personal salvation, and I owe much to the many voices who have developed the philosophy into what it is now. My determination to advance the boundaries of the paleolithic philosophy are rooted in my own story of misguided science and the wrongs of conventional wisdom. I only hope that I can help others find true health and happiness the natural way.


  1. if you are looking for Paleo Posture look no further than Esther Gokhale - Glad you are feeling better and welcome to the Paleo crowd.

  2. That's how I found paleo and crossfit about 7 mos ago! Changed my life:-)

  3. I started paleo a week after that episode aired. It has totally changed my life. I love to cook paleo, I'm fit, and for the first time since the age of four, I don't fall into the 'overweight' or 'obese' category. John Durant and Stephen Colbert changed my life too!

  4. Wow, so great to hear your story. I was vegetarian for years way back in the 80's. I too have never felt better since going paleo, both my mother (78 - never too old to start!) and myself have had huge improvements in our auto-immune issues.

  5. That's great to hear, Julianne, and thanks to all for the support! I think ultimately paleo is spread by results and word-of-mouth.

  6. Just found you, so welcome to the team and health :)

  7. I had read GCBc and a pro-evolutionary diet article in Outside magazine, but John's interview on the Colbert Report was a turning point for me as well. Good luck to you!


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