The Paleo Diet

Human beings have been around for almost three million years as hunter-gatherers (the Paleolithic era) and only about ten thousand years as farmer-herders (the Neolithic era). These last ten thousands years are only a glimmer in human history and our genetic development.

The agricultural revolution was the most transformative event in human history and marks the change from the Paleolithic to the Neolithic. During this time, mankind began domesticating crops and inventing processes for new types of foods that were previously inedible or unavailable. It started with grains and legumes, then led to all the way to dairy, salt, and sucrose. The problem is that our bodies are still genetically programmed to eat the foods of our hunter-gatherer ancestors.

Over 70% of the modern diet are unnatural Neolithic foods. Thus, it's no wonder that man-made foods like cereal and high fructose corn syrup cause health problems ranging from acne and obesity to autoimmune conditions and cancer.

Recent findings are helping to highlight the fact that we are healthiest and happiest when we eat our natural human diet, but it's also important to recognize other man-made aspects of daily life that may be adversely affecting one's health, like sleep, posture, and movement.

Paleolithic Food Pyramid

This is the model of perfection for which I strive. It represents food volume, not calories. The bulk of calories come from animal and vegetable fats.

Grains (wheat, oats, corn, barley, rice)
Legumes (beans, peanuts, soy)
Nightshades (tomatoes, potatoes, peppers)
Dairy (milk, cheese, cream)
Refined sugar and salt